Daniel Goldberg – Director
Daniel has been a Director and Shareholder of various companies within First Urban for over 20 years and also has notably held Directorships at Regional Investments Plc and Duke House Properties Ltd. His primary role at First Urban is head of planning and asset management, as well as overseeing the company’s banking & corporate requirements.
It has been over 25 years since Daniel started his career gaining planning consents and developing unique residential and commercial properties around the UK; from small groups of new build stone houses in edge of village locations, to substantial renovations of vacant dilapidated historic and Listed premises, to various new town centre redevelopments providing office, retail, residential and other uses for new communities to thrive within. Daniel feels the sourcing, acquiring and regeneration of land and buildings in order to satisfy the needs of a growing and modern living and working population is still one of the UK’s greatest challenges, and is proud to be able to contribute to this pursuit.
Daniel has been involved in numerous transactions over the years, including agreements with Taylor Wimpey, Crest Nicolson, Linden Homes, Workspace, CLS Holdings, LaSalle Investment Management, Rugby Estates, Canada Life, Family Mosaic, various NHS Trusts, EDF Energy, Scottish & Southern Energy, and many other institutional funds, statutory bodies and national house builders.
Daniel graduated BA International Business, he is married with 3 young children, lives in North West London and enjoys swimming, Pilates and playing the piano.
You can contact Daniel on 020 7625 9912 / dcg@firsturban.co.uk
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